Sunday, March 18, 2012

Past Anime Review: Rio: Rainbow Gate!

March 18, 2012
Posted by DarrenW

Yes, its me, WWH, bringing you another segment of "big chested" animes.

This was originally not in my list of anime reviews, but seeing that I have not reached the 400th episode of Detective Conan, I don't want to start reviewing it since it might be inaccurate info to you readers. Yep, you guessed it, this is a time filler while I quickly finish it up.

So yea, this may look like an ecchi anime, but I assure you, its not as straight forward as that. Today I'll be reviewing "Rio: Rainbow Gate!" (Not to mistaken with the bird Rio)

The story begins with one of the main character, Mint Clark, alighting from her limo and arriving at The Howard Resort, a casino resort founded by To Howard. (Don't take it the wrong way. Mint is only a 10 year old girl. Haha!). She is joined by her grandfather, a wealthy millionaire, whom is taking a break in the resort.

However, a regular resort visit changes when Mint meets our protagonist, Rio (Rollins) Tachibana! Yes, this girl, also known as the "goddess of victory", is a dealer renowned for bringing endless amount of luck and energy for her guests at Howard Resort. She inherited her skills from her mother, Risa Rollins, who was a world renowned dealer, and continues to work her best under the HR owner.

However, the peaceful situation ended when Rio is assigned to take care and teach Anya Helsing (A Russian that doesn't look Russian at all) to be a a dealer at Howard. Anya discovers a peculiar card lying about in Rio's room. It is later revealed that it is a gate. WTH is a gate? You might say.

13 Gates
A gate is a name given to this special card, of which belongs to a full set of 13 cards. The strongest 13 dealers are all given 1 card each, of which they will battle it out in an attempt to obtain all 13 and become MVCD.

Dahell is MVCD? It stands for "Most Valuable Casino Dealer" *FACEPALM*. Honestly, that doesn't need any acronym.

The adventure immediately begins when a gambler called Elvis immediately challenges Rio to a gate battle in an attempt to win the other gate, but not on a standard gambling table. A GIANT ROULETTE SET.

Tom Howard
Along the way, she meets her old childhood friend, Rina Goltschmidt Tachibana, and close friends in Howard Resort, namely, Tom Howard, Anya, a robot, a fortune teller, a hollywood actress and two mascot twins, who will eventually give her the support to become the MVCD. There will be some tough, life-changing obstacles along the way, but Rio will stop at nothing to achieve her goal!

I have to say, I was very surprised that there was a decent plot development in the anime. Though it is not very "in your face", there is certainly a story unwinding throughout the whole anime, and it is a nice and touching story. However, towards the ending of the series, it gets super super confusing. Particularly when the army of people came in at the last episode, I was like "Who... What? Where?".

Gate Battle
The theme is ALL ABOUT GAMBLING, YEA. The anime doesn't stray off at all with that. Simply clear-cut in portrating anything and everything relating to gambling. Well, no actually. There are also themes of friendship and family shown, which is a good thing.

However, in these kind of winning/losing animes, you kind of already know who is going to win in the end, haha. Though I have to admit, this anime is good at avoiding such situations, because at most times it looks like Rio is actually losing the gate battles. (Woops spoiler).

Secondly, anybody watching this would want to have some prior knowledge about gambling because if you don't you will be confused as of WHO THE HECK IS WINNING OR LOSING. Just look at who's cheering and make your own deduction, haha!

Mint Clark
"Rio: Rainbow Gate!" is an all rounded original and super interesting anime to watch. Though I feel that there are quite a tad too many characters getting introduced, so you get mixed up. Also, WHAT HAPPENED TO MINT'S STORY? I thought that she was supposed to be one of the main characters. Even though I see her most of the time, I don't know anything else besides the fact that she's a small girl with a teddy bear.

Gate Battle!
Overall, it is a nice anime to watch, it turned out better than I anticipated. Many of the scenes in the anime, in terms of gate battles are not based in the real world at all, so the element of gambling takes an entirely different level than your real-life one. Sort of like they "improved it on a massive scale". Ah, but there are too many chested people, though the ECCHI was avoided somewhat. and so please expect ECCHI scenes!

*Wow never seen such a low public opinion!

"Rio: Rainbow Gate!" has 12 episodes and a bonus, and was fansubbed by HorribleSubs and Zing in Winter 2010.

*Irony: Casinos make money off unlucky guests. If the dealer gives its guests luck to win, how is Rio the most valuable casino dealer to the casino if she helps the casino lose money?

Woots! I'm on a record.
Hint: No anime / No Manga. HA!
Edited by Tr3xus


  1. Lol, I dropped that series since the first episode when it came out because I kinda got bored with it...

  2. Yea, I actually also dropped it halfway, then I somehow managed to finish watching it. I wonder what the reason for the boredom was...

